AI Battle: OpenAI GPT-4O vs Google Gemini Live – Addressing Bias and Equity

Let’s have a kōrero into this new world of AI and explore the latest developments from OpenAI and Google. This week (May 2024, if you’re reading this from the future) both Google and OpenAI announced their new supercharged AI assistants.

On one side, we have OpenAI’s GPT-40, the so-called current champion of language models, known for its impressive text-based capabilities and creative prowess. And on the other, Google’s Gemini Live, the nimble contender, excels in multimodality and real-time interactions. 

Now, both of these AI giants are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with technology. But here’s the twist: as they evolve, we’re starting to see a mirror reflecting our society’s own biases – particularly when it comes to gender and race.

Let’s talk about digital inequity first. It’s like having a VIP pass to the digital world – some have it, some don’t. And this pass often depends on where you’re from, what you look like, and how much you earn. It’s becoming more and more true, that as AI becomes more integrated into our lives, those without the VIP pass will get left behind.

What about bias in data? Imagine training an AI with a dataset that’s like your classic trifle from Aunty at Christmas – layers upon layers of historical biases and stereotypes. That’s what’s happening with many AI systems. They’re learning from data that’s definitely not representative of the diverse world we live in.

It’s like AI’s got a pair of glasses that only sees the world through a narrow lens. Studies have shown that AI can be biased against women and people of color, sometimes with error rates skyrocketing up to 35% for darker-skinned women compared to lighter-skinned men. That’s not just unfair; it’s a recipe for reinforcing stereotypes and discrimination.

So, what’s the verdict in the battle of GPT-40 vs Gemini Live? Well, it’s not just about who’s the smartest or the fastest. It’s about who’s going to lead the charge in creating AI that’s fair, inclusive, and reflective of all of us. It’s about recognizing the power of AI to either perpetuate or challenge the status quo.

As we stand at the crossroads of AI innovation, let’s choose the path that leads to a future where technology uplifts everyone, regardless of their gender, race, or zip code. After all, the true winner in the AI arena will be the one who champions diversity and equity, making sure that everyone gets a fair shot in the digital ring.

But that’s enough from me… It’s a complex issue, but one thing’s for sure – the conversation is just getting started. Chat with me on social, let me know what you think!

Read More

  2. ChatGPT-4o vs Google Gemini Live — how the new AI assistants stack up | Tom’s Guide (
  3. What is Gemini Live? How Google’s real-time chatbot competes with GPT-4o | ZDNET
  4. The Showdown: Google Gemini vs. OpenAI’s GPT-4 – Who Rules the AI Arena? – JK Tech
  5. Digital inclusion and equity changes what’s possible | MIT Technology Review
  6. Not all biases are bad: equitable and inequitable biases in machine learning and radiology | Insights into Imaging | Full Text (
  7. Algorithms Are Making Economic Inequality Worse (
  8. Data Bias: understanding the Gender Data Gap (
  9. Diversity, Inclusion & Equity: How to Beat Data Bias – ORI (
  10. Artificial Intelligence Has a Racial and Gender Bias Problem | TIME
  11. Understanding Gender and Racial Bias in AI — Harvard ALI Social Impact Review
  12. Generative AI: UNESCO study reveals alarming evidence of regressive gender stereotypes | UNESCO
  13. Artificial intelligence can discriminate on the basis of race and gender, and also age (
  14. Google Gemini vs GPT-4 (ChatGPT 4) – PC Guide
  15. OpenAI’s GPT-Vision vs. Google’s Gemini: What To Expect (